日式炸豆腐 Agedashi Tofu

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1. 酱汁做法:将所有材料放入平底锅煮至滚,熄火备用。(图1-3)
2. 豆腐切成2.5公分方块,沾蛋液然后再沾面包糠。
3. 起锅热油,把豆腐炸至微黄,盛出滴干后放在纸巾上吸油。(图 4-5)
4. 把豆腐排碟,淋上适量的酱汁,撒上青葱粒与柴鱼薄片即可。(图6-8)

2-3 stick silken tofu (soft tofu), 8 tbsps bread crumbs,1 egg (beaten lightly), vegetable oil for deep frying
125ml water, 2 tbsps sugar, 3 tbsps bonito flakes 2 tbsps soya sauce, 2 tbsps Mirin
【Top ingredients】
1 spring onion(sliced), 3 tbsps bonito flakes
1. To prepare sauce: Put all sauce ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat and set aside. (pic 1-3)
2. Slice tofu into 2.5cm thick pieces, coat in egg then breadcrumbs.
3. Heat oil in a deep pot, deep fry the coated tofu until they turn light brown, drain excess oil on a plate lined with paper towels. (pic 4-5)
4. To serve, place the tofu in a serving bowl and pour the sauce on the tofu. Garnish with green onion and bonito flakes. (pic 6-8)