李子布丁 Prune Pudding

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    Step 1

    把李子、白兰地及水倒入VISION 1公升锅里,中火煮滚后转小火焖5分钟至李子软化,然后把它滤出移至另一个中型锅里。把细糖倒入VISION锅里,搅拌煮3分钟至糖溶解,小火焖3分钟成糖浆后淋在李子上。 Place the prunes, brandy and water in VISION 1 litre pot, over medium heat and bring to a simmer. Cook for 5 minutes or until the prunes are soft. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the prunes to a medium heatproof bowl.Add the caster sugar to the VISION pot and cook, stirring, for 3 minutes or until the sugar dissolves. Bring to a simmer. Cook for 3 minutes or until the syrup thickens. Pour the syrup over the prunes.

    Step 2

    Step 3

    用电动搅拌器把牛油、黄糖及盐搅拌至发起,然后逐个加入蛋并搅拌。 Use an electric beater to beat the butter, brown sugar and salt in a large bowl until pale and creamy. Add the eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition.

    Step 4

    \加入杏仁粉、混合面粉、发粉及桂皮粉,搅拌均匀后倒入牛奶。 Fold in the ground almonds, combined flours, baking powder and mixed spice until well combined. Stir in the milk.

    Step 5

    每个PYREX碗放入4粒李子,淋2汤匙糖浆,在倒入适量面糊,以汤匙烫平,然后盖上涂了油的铝箔。 Place four prunes in the base of each ramekin. Drizzle over 2 teaspoons of the syrup. Spoon the cake mixture evenly among the ramekins. Use a teaspoon to smooth the surface. Cover each ramekin with lightly greased foil.

    Step 6

    把碗放在PYREX烤盘上,周围倒入适量的水,放入烤炉烤30-40分钟,以竹签插入试熟度。 Place ramekins in PYREX roasting pan. Pour enough boiling water into the pan to reach halfway up the sides of the ramekins. Bake for 30 - 40 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the centres comes out clean.

    Step 7

    把布丁从烤炉取出后待凉5分钟才把它倒扣在CORELLE碟子上,再淋少许糖浆,配雪糕吃。 Remove the ramekins from the pan. Set aside for 5 minutes to cool. Turn the puddings onto CORELLE serving plates and top with ice-cream. Drizzle over the remaining syrup to serve.
