酸辣一品锅 Sour & Spicy Pot

1. 将大芥菜放入沸水中川烫过,沥干。(图1)
2. 把全部材料(除了番茄)放入锅中以大火煮滚后转中火继续熬煮1小时。(图3-5)
3. 加入番茄及调味料再煮5分钟便可上桌,配白饭吃。(图6)

1 Roasted pork shank (halved), 1 kg roasted ribs, 600g salted mustard (cut into big slices), 2kg
mustard (cut into big slices), 1 radish (cut wedges), 2 carrot (cut wedges), 2 tomato (cut wedges),
12 sprigs asam skin, 15 stalks dried chili, 5 stalks lemon grass, 1 piece ginger (smashed), 3 liter
1 tsp MSG, 2 tsp salt, 1 tbsp fish sauce, 1 tbsp sugar
1.Blanch mustard in boiling water and drain.(pic1)
2.Put all ingredients into pot (except tomato), bring to boil in high heat and then turn to me-
dium heat and simmer for 1 hour.(pic 3-5)
3.Add in tomato and seasoning; cook for another 5 minutes, serve with white rice.(pic 6)

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