香炸素水饺 Deep-fried Vegetarian Dumpling

1. 将金针菇切除根部洗净;马蹄去皮洗净切碎;红萝卜洗净后剁碎备用。
2. 黑木耳用沸水汆烫过泡软去蒂,切丝备用;芹菜洗干净后去掉叶子取茎切碎备用。
3. 热上油锅将所有材料炒香,下调味料后炒均匀即成馅料。(图1)
4. 取水饺皮一张,放上适量馅料包好,以蛋清或生粉水封口。(图2-3)
5. 烧热炸油,将水饺炸至金黄色,沥干油,蘸山椒酱同吃。(图4)

10 sheets dumpling skin, 1 pkt Enokitake mushroom, 2 pcs black fungus, 1⁄2 carrot, 1 stalk celery, 4
pcs water chestnut
Dash of salt, pepper and soy sauce
1. Wash Enokitake mushroom and trim off the stems; skinned and wash water chestnut and
chop finely; wash and chop carrot finely.
2. Blanch black fungus in boiling water, remove stems and juliennes; pick only stems of celery and chop finely.
3. Heat oil in wok, sauté all ingredients until fragrant, season to taste.(pic 1)
4. Wrap each dumpling skin with some filling and seal the edge with egg white or corn starch.(pic 2-3)
5. Heat oil, deep fry the dumpling until golden brown, serve with chilli sauce.(pic 4)

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